zenpage urls

Is it possible to modify the zenpage mod_rewrite rules so that the urls for pages do not include "pages/" in the url path? Ideally I would like to install zenphoto at the root level of the site so that, for example, if I have a Contact page the final url would be "http://mysite.com/contact" rather than "http://mysite.com/zenphoto/pages/contact".


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Generally it might be possible to change those via htaccess but we have not tried that and internally Zenpage always generates urls with the "pages" if using modrewrite. So there might be conflicts. A url like `http://mysite.com/contact` is actually the link to an album named "contact", thus we add the "pages". If you install in the root the url would actually be `http://mysite.com/pages/contact`.
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