i just put up my gallery with custom made theme and no images are shown on index/album/image pages, also nothing is in cache folder. on localhost everything is fine. i chmoded the folders to 777 and still nothing happens. im planning to release the theme to public and this is the last thing in the way... if it helps ask for the theme source or login for debugging. please help. thanks.
br ja@michalrusina.sk
If you think you have run setup and it did not create the field then run setup as follows: <host>/<zenphoto folder>/zp-core/setup.php?debug. This will create a log of all the SQL queries setup does. The log can be viewed if you enable the filter-login filter. Then there will be a logs tab on the back-end. Go to it and view the setup log. Just about the last SQL log should be the entry that is supposed to create that field. If there is an error, it will be reported there.
`MySQL Query ( ALTER TABLE``zp_albums` ADD COLUMN `watermark` varchar(256) ) Failed. Error: Too big column length for column 'watermark' (max = 255). Use BLOB instead
I'm running on 1&1 shared Linux hosting with the following setup: I added the watermark column manually with a length of 255, everything works ok now.