Hi Acrylian. Thank you for Zenpage. I really like it and just deployed it on a website. Now I am trying to customize it and have a couple of suggestions.
1. Is it possible in future that in Zenpage Options you have switches which can change the color of the various blocks and texts? This can be implemented just like the "Choose your own colors" option in Gmail's Themes.
http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/5200/picture2lmi.png2. Another suggestion is to have the WordPress style Reading option to display one of the created pages as the front page instead of the Zenphoto gallery. The Zenphoto Gallery can then be listed just like one of the created pages.
http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7461/picture1jen.pngThese changes can be made by the individual user but then would have to be redone every time Zenphoto and hence Zenpage is upgraded.
3. Changing the Zenphoto admin email address does not change the email used by the "CONTACT US" mailing form.
4. After a message is submitted using the CONTACT US for the sender should be returned to the referring page from which the CONTACT US page was accessed. Otherwise they might be confused by the reappearance of the form, not notice the "Your email was sent" message and re-send.
Thanks for a great CMS integration.
I have one more issue.
5. The "Full Size Image" with or without Thickbox does not display watermarks and images can be downloaded without watermark by doing a "Save Image As".
1. This could probably be done but I actually have no plans for that. You could take a look at the default theme as an example to make your own theme option for this though
2. Right that is already there..:-)
3. You have to set the email adress on the contact form plugin options. It's separate from the admin email.
4. You can also use the contact form differently and directly with a Zenpage page: Enter `<?php printContactForm(); ?>` in to the code block #1 of a page. Then it should work that way, at least in my tests it does (the extra page sbillard had implemented and I have not tested it yet).
5. You have to change the function `getUnprotectedImageURL())` to `getProtectedImageURL()` (or the like, please see the doc for the right function name). Probably has been just forgotten.
Ok, but please keep in mind. It needn't even be WYSWYG, just drop down menus or radio buttons in the Zenpage theme options for each element.
2. Right that is already there..:-)
But I have one problem. Maybe I am being idiotic but once I invoke the option of designating an unpublished page as index.php, there is no URL for the complete gallery. Of course I can access the individual Zenphoto albums. I tried domain.com/gallery domain.com/pages/gallery etc. No luck.
What would be really nice
a. If this option is invoked, the Zenphoto gallery is designated gallery.php and listed in PAGES as Gallery.
b.There should also be an option to list all news items in one page and list the resultant page (blog.php?) in PAGES.
c. There should be an option to switch the news section especially in light of b.
d. There should be a switch for the RSS feed section.
3. You have to set the email address on the contact form plugin options. It's separate from the admin email.
Great, maybe you could consider two email address fields like you have multiple admins.
4. You can also use the contact form differently and directly with a Zenpage page: Enter <?php printContactForm(); ?> in to the code block #1 of a page. Then it should work that way, at least in my tests it does (the extra page sbillard had implemented and I have not tested it yet).
This worked perfectly.
5. You have to change the function getUnprotectedImageURL()) to getProtectedImageURL() (or the like, please see the doc for the right function name). Probably has been just forgotten.
This should be easy for you to include in future releases.
6. Again, sorry if this is obvious but I could not get CodeBlock 2 or 3 to display. I have to list different items one after the other in CodeBlock #1.
2a. The page is gallery.php in Zenpage-default and can directly be accessed by `page/gallery`. Zenpage hooks on the custom page feature so "pages" is only for Zenpage pages. I will think about adding a kind of "all albums" link to the sidebar.
2b. For what do you need a "blog.php" page? You get all news articles if you click on "all news". That lists all news articles on the news.php page. If you want that to be called "blog.php" you can rename that page (note you have to modify the option and the htaccess file for that!).
2c. Sorry, I don't understand what to switch?
2d. What do you want to switch? Only the feed for the current item like an album? You can easily do that yourself by checking the global variables for news or albums.
3. Most sites are single user ones (Zenpage in general was actually meant for personal portfolio sites) and those may want to use one specific email for contact only. Anyway, I will think about that.
5. Will add that.
6. Well, the theme is only setup for codeblock #1. You have to add the functions for the other two yourself. This way you have the freedom to place one in the sidebar if needed or elsewhere.
1. I hadn't looked at the image you posted. Sorry, I will never consider that kind of editor. If you need to change the colors of anything you should do that via the css file. That is the principle of theming on Zenphoto.
2a. This is already possible with one minor manual change:
- Set the `$indexname` parameter (that is the "" at the end of the already present parameters) of the `printAlbumMenu()` function on the sidebar.php file
- Enable under Options>Theme the custom index page to point to "gallery"
- Choose also your desired Zenpage page as homepage.
This will list the current index page on top of the album menu list (which makes more sense to me than on the pages menu as the index is not a "pages" page).
Again, please note that this theme will never fit for the needs of anyone. If you need some special things you need to do some work yourself.
Another addition to 5. It is not possible to use the getProtectedImageURL() with the thickbox. You will have to decide either to use the protected image or the Thickbox.
Next I edited sidebar.php and changed this line
I still cannot display the gallery.