SERVERPATH resolution when accessing from outside directory

I am trying to implement the 'Random Image' hack described on the forums and I seem to be having a problem with the path resolution. I'm using 0.9.

Basically, zenphoto works great for my site when I enter via the zenphoto/zen/index.php page. However, if I try to access any zenphoto objects/classes from a directory outside of zenphoto, my paths do not resolve correctly.

My .htaccess file is in the zenphoto directory, and not the root web directory. I tried boosting it up to the root, but then all of zenphoto complained.

Any thoughts?


  • trisweb Administrator
    Ah, yeah, that is true. If you want, you can manually set the server and web paths at the bottom of the config.php file for now... I'll work out a fix for that for the next release...
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