My thumbnails are a constant width, but vary in height. When a shorter image appears on a row, on the row that proceeds it the image below that short image will push up and fill the void that is created. (I'm hoping that makes sense).
So to get around this I used the following code:
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
(Code to call thumb)
<?php next_album ?> (Code to call thumb)
<?php next_album ?> (Code to call thumb)
<?php endwhile; ?>
The above code works in calling the images in a straight row, but I'm afraid it might be causing another problem on my page. My question is should I be using if/else statements every subsequent time I call the thumbnail? Is there a problem with calling `next_album` if I've run out of albums to call? I'm thinking something like `if (next_album()) {Code to call thumb;} else {endwhile;}` Or am I over complicating this and Zenphoto has a built in option for this kind of thing?
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?> <?php } ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?> <?php } ?>
I'm finding that if either of the last 2 statements where I call `next_album` aren't satisfied it creates errors in the way the footer of my page renders. This is why I've used ifelse statements. Except the code above will skip albums and create duplicate thumbs. Since I'm posting my code I should mention that my thumbnails are linking to the first image of a sub-album. And I do use a javascript, but that was and still is functioning as expected.
Basically, I'm trying to get each row in it's own table or div so that the rows sit flush on one another. Previously, I had rows that looked like steps due to the inconsistent height of my thumbnails. I was able to get around this by setting my thumbnails div class to have a large, all-encompassing height. But by assigning such a large height, to compensate for all possible thumbnail heights, I would get huge spaces between my thumbnails.
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?> <?php } ?>
getImageLink(); ?>"onclick="return GB_showCenter('', '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?>', 650, 685)"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(null,null,185); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php set_context(ZP_ALBUM); ?> <?php } ?>
I changed `<?php if (next_album(false)) {echo"";} else { ?>` to `<?php if (empty($_zp_albums)) {echo"";} else { ?>` and it works. Now if I could only understand why it works
Thank you both for your help.