Menu Refresh in IE

Not sure if anyone has had problems with this (or if anyone has a gallery set up like this) but I used Zenphoto to set up a portfolio for a client and the thumbnail menu is constant on the left side of the page with each main image loading in the right.

My problem is in Internet Explorer, the menu of thumbnails refreshes each time a new image is clicked. This does not happen in Firefox or Safari from what I can tell. Is there any way I can reduce the page load by having the menu cache like it seems to be properly doing with the other browsers?

See site:


  • I originally thought maybe this was a one-time occurence but it seems with my latest project the same thing is happening. I have confirmed it is an IE thing that also happens with IE7 now. Does this happen with everyone's albums or am I just extremely unlucky? I can't figure out why the thumbnails would not be caching properly in IE as opposed to everything working right in FF (story of my life as a web designer).

    For reference here is the gallery I am working on now:

    Any ideas?
  • yeah I hear you, I've got the same thing ever since zenphoto changed the way apache handels the thumbnails it does not cache properly with IE. this happens with every thumbnail in any overview.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I must admit that the way Zenphoto serves images is rather unusual. The headers should tell the browser to cache them as normal, but that's not always the case, especially in IE (*cough* as usual).

    In version 2 of zenphoto I think I'd do the image serving differently; store the direct URLs to cached images instead of always requesting through PHP, as novel as that is. That same idea should still be possible though with modifications to serve images that have already been processed directly. Anyway, that's for the future.

    Try playing with the headers in i.php (at the bottom) and see if you find anything that helps for IE. Do some research into "image caching in IE" or things like that. Let me know if you get anything to work better. Thanks.
  • well I'm actualy still a big fan of IE and could devote a whole page too that especially now that one can add a simple css rule too the stylesheet to cancel the background flicker bug but that would be offtopic ;)

    the problem like now I'm on my macbook running camino the same cache problem occours here (mozilla render engine) with dynamic cache enabled. even when using the backbutton it still needs to load every thumb again which is pretty wierd.

    this topic might actually become my favorite ;)
  • for those whom are interested;

    it just works !
  • trisweb's suggestions are a bit too daunting for me. I've edited quite a bit of the php that gets outputted when designing portfolios using Zenphoto, but I know nothing about editing the actual php code and where I would start.

    I'm watching this thread with interest to see if anyone comes up with anything. Odd you had problems in Camino webdev, Safari and FF both render fine. I don't have the pleasure of playing with a Mac at the moment so I can't recreate it.
  • it daunting to me too ;) I only know my way frondend wise...
    did a little browser test tonight and it seems that firefox and opera on both win and mac and safari are doing fine... the problem occours with camino and win/IE, tried it with every cache setting available no sq6 ;( and since most users are on win/IE and most mac user will stick to there cocoa apps like camino this is sure somehing to look into... will check this sunday if I can find any sollutions.
  • oke fixed the camino thing... its my apple airport thats doing strnge things here when hooking up the cable everything runs smooth.... win/IE to go...
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