Statistics with Referer, IP, Browser and so on

Is there a way (a plugin?) to show some statistics on what IP Adresses have visited my gallerie, what browsers the people used and where they came from (referer?). I have checked this forum and googled for it but was not able to find anything...


  • ZeBoxx Member
    would the google analytics plugin be acceptable?
  • Thanks for the suggestion but I would rather have an independent plugin than to provide all my data to google. Maybe I should start write my own... :-)
  • Such a plugin does not currently exist. Please do write your own.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you check if your host maybe has such statistics tools already installed. Mine provides two of these (webalizer and awstats).
  • Piwik ( provides the same kind of functionality as Google Analytics, but it's open source so you can run it on your own server and not provide all your data to Google.

    It integrates with your site in pretty much the same way too, so you could easily modify the Zenphoto Google Analytics plugin to do Piwik instead.
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