Thumbs working on 5 albums but not the 6th

All my thumbs work on 5 of my albums but not the 6th. Also, the pictures do not display properly on this sixth album. The site is and any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • trisweb Administrator
    It could be a PHP memory limitation... are the photos in that 6th album larger dimensions than the others? If so, check out this post for a possible fix:

    If not, first check your cache directory for the files, if they're there, it might be a bug with some kind of naming? Try renaming that folder?
  • fizzeh Member
    I renamed the folder several times. I added
    `php_value memory_limit 5000M

    php_value post_max_size 5000M`
    to my .htaccess but that did not help. Any more ideas?

    I may just try resizing the images on my computer than re-upping them.
  • fizzeh Member
    Resizing them worked like a charm. Thank you! (and I finally found a use for Automator)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yeah, usually you don't want gigantic images up there anyway :) Takes too much space, right?

    If you do want to though, ask your host to modify the php_value memory_limit in the main php.ini to give you a little more headroom.

    I'll also be working on a way to split up image processing into separate chunks to avoid this limitation in a way future version.
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