Thumbnails not showing

I have read the multiple posts on this issue but none of the resolutions will work for me.

I upload a photo, various sizes (small to large), and i see the file name all the way through until viewing the image and it works.

Doesnt work:
Doesnt work:

I have increased both the max post value and memory limit to 150M

I had added AddType x-mapp-php5 .php (when I add this the app shows the code in the browser and will not render at all)

I have turned mod rewrite on and off to no end.

I running a valid version of PHP 4.2.3, Latest GD lib, Valid MySQL version and on a managed server with 1and1 hosting.

I am on a fresh install of ZenPhoto, not an upgrade.

I am really interested in extending this to be a photo community, rather than a single user gallery and will even post the extension to the community for use, but if i can't get it to work then I must move on to another solution...but really don't want to. This app is well written and supported.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you read this?

    Also it would help if setup reports any error or if there are any in your server's log.
  • Thanks...I wasn't seeing any errors in the log files at all. I even tested Gd to make sure that was functioning, all good.

    1. You may need to check your permissions on your albums directory and cache directory. The permissions should be 777 to allow Zenphoto to display everything properly.


    2. It could be that PHP Safe Mode is enabled. Your ISP will need to help you with this configuration. You can obtain more information in the FAQ item entitled “What is PHP Safe Mode?”

    safe_mode Off Off

    3. Check your .htaccess file if you’re using Apache, and make sure you have the correct path for the RewriteBase line at the top. If you’re not using Apache or it doesn’t seem to be working, reset your mod_rewrite option.

    Verified and correct.
  • Setup does complain about your `.htaccess` file. Please remove and re-upload ALL the zenphoto distribution files and re-run the setup probram.
  • Thanks sbillard...should i nuke the DB also?
  • No, the DB should be fine. Maybe do a database refresh after the install.
  • Amazing.

    I decided to start fresh. I dropped the DB and zapped the zenphoto structure and started fresh...all is well in the land of thumbnails.

    Now I can finally build :)

    Thanks for the quick and rapid help. Hopefully my extension will have some value to the community. best.
  • I'm back....

    After loading up a default install with 900 photos the thumbnails again went away. Added the photos through FTP, even uploaded a few in admin. All permissions are right and again no error in the log files.

    Did a fresh install again, upped the php memory to 150M

    Hit refresh on everything. When I pre-cache the script runs but shows blank images and cache is empty.

    Can view the photo pics/1208089125985ce7f322de.jpg

    However debug gives me a not found response and a mysql error

    Now I did try to install zenphage from the plugin screen but the DB isn't supported. Did that mess something up?
  • You need to run setup after enabling the zenpage plugin--see many references to this in the forum.

    Your php memory directive is just an advisory. Your server may choose not to honor it. If some images are rendering and others not, the most probable cause is that those not rendering are too big to be processed in the available memory.

    Your SQL error on debugging is caused by the image parameters not being correct--thus the image not found error which precedes it.
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