thumbs folder

Hi, last week while testing out Zenphoto I noticed all my thumbs were in an albums/albumname/thumbs folder. Now they all seem to be in the cashed folder, no longer in albums/albumname/thumbs. Is there a way i can have my thumbs generate into a thumbs folder, within the album folder. I am using ZP just to manage my photos, not to display them. so when I try to display them it is difficult to code into the thumbs where they are now.



  • In my total experience with Zenphoto (starting with 1.0.8) Zenphoto has always placed resized images in the cache folder, I have never seen a folder named 'thumbs'. In addition, should there ever have been such a folder, it would have been treated as a subablum to the albumname folder. (At least ever since there has been an implementation of subalbums.)
  • interesting, must have been a brain fart! sorry for the bother, great product by the way, thank you!
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