Zenpage localization problems - bug?

ella Member
using zenphoto version 1.2.4 [3716] | zenpage Version 1.1.1, zenpage_default theme, we encountered some issues which seem to deal with localization.

Chosen language for alleries is "German"

1) Clicking on Zenpage, text is German, but all German umlauts are displayed quite... broken. You know, this ü instead of ü and so on. This is only in the zenpage area of the admin panel.

2) On the other hand, the article_edit.php has an input field with the name title_en_US, but the function process_language_string_save seems to change it to something different, so any adding or updating articles/pages will send an "no title" error. We hotfixed that by exchanging a line in zenpage_admin_functions.php:

//$result['title'] = mysql_real_escape_string(process_language_string_save("title",2));
$result['title'] = sanitize($_POST['title_en_US']); /* FIX */

which is of course only quite a dirty hack ;-)

Somehow both seems to deal with localisation. In general, I haven't yet understood the concept where localisation takes place. There is only one place inside the gallery administration where I can choose a language.

Any ideas what's going wrong here?

thx, ella


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should really consider to update to the current Zenphoto 1.2.5 instead hacking an older version (Zenpage version of 1.2.5 is 1.1.1 , too, but actually it is 1.2 as we forgot to update the version number.... It can't be installed with earlier version). Or even wait until 1.2.6 is released (scheduled August 1st).
  • ella Member
    Hi acrylian,
    thx for your reply - I really thought I have the latest stable version... ;-)

    Does that mean these localization problems are fixed with the uprade?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, they should be fixed in 1.2.5. Please also test the 1.2.6 RC1 that we just released.
  • ella Member
    ok, I've had an upgrade, and the "title" bug has gone. Thanks!

    However, the umlaut problem persists. All the utf-8 stuff of the setup is done in the php.ini, and it's quite ugly and only with zenpage, not zenphoto. What else can I do?

    Thx for help,
  • Are the problems only in text you have entered? If so, check your database and be sure all the tables are using UTF-8 collation and default character set.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Note that a tool like phpmyadmin shows an encoding for a table that is not necessarily also set for each field in this table. These can have mixed encodings. I did encouter this myself some time back.
  • ella Member
    No, the problems are *only* with the system texts in Zenpage. Any Content is rendered properly.

    For example, the first tab in Zenphoto says "Übersicht" (Overview). This is ok in Zenphoto. When I click on one of the Zenpage tabs (News, Pages), the "Übersicht" tab is changed to "Ãœberblick". And so are all Zenphoto explanatory texts screwed up...

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have no idea, I have never seen that behaviour in any Zenpage version and I can't reproduce it.. Maybe try a fresh install with a fresh db... (separate for testing of course if your site is live!).
  • ella Member
    Update: I checked again the delivered code of the pages. The zenphoto pages were delivered correctly in utf-8, the zenpage admin stuff was delivered in ISO-xxx which apparently caused the error. I took a whip and went to my server admin before checking more code, and - he somehow managed to force-deliver the whole stuff in utf-8. The web server should have been fully delivered in utf-8, so I don't exactly know what happened here.

    Thanks for your patience. I btw re-updated to 1.2.5 again. Localisation files in this version are not yet completed...? ;-) (If I only slightly understood how to edit these .mo/.po stuff, I could help out, but it costs too much time... :-()

    Thanks again,
    best wishes,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Be sure that your database really also uses UTF8. The encoding of a table does not meant that the title field for example is the same. Try to clear the database and create the tables new.

    I btw re-updated to 1.2.5 again. Localisation files in this version are not yet completed...? ;-)
    The German translation is always complete for an official release as I maintain it myself.
  • Hi all,

    after fixing serveral locale problems on the server ( not all locales needed for http accept language were installed in the server) i still fighting with the same problem:

    the site zp-core/admin.php delivers good UTF-8 pages with displaying the right german characters in the translation "Ãœberblick".

    visiting the site zp-core/zp-extensions/zenpage/admin-news-articles.php only ISO-8859-1 coding with content-type charset=utf-8 is delivered and the special character are not displayed correct.

    I checked this with zenphoto 1.2.8 [4881] and zenpage 1.2.7 on a new database with collation = utf8_general_ci.

    All stuff with zenphoto seems right but using zenpage causes problems.

    Any ideas?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have not noticed that. Just to be exact: What excatly is not displayed correctly? The fixed text from the backend or the the actual content/titles etc. of the articles? Are the tables and the fields of those tables (strangely both can be different for whatever reason) for Zenpage really in utf-8 encoding?
  • Hi Acrylian,

    mysql 5.1.37 runs the db with all tables and the char-fields with utf8_general_ci / uft8_unicode_ci. Yes the fixed description of the tabs or the labels of the action-buttons are not displayed correct. I have also problems with special chars in the message text: I create a news article with special chars inside with the wysiwyg-editor and press save. After reload the text ends with the last char before the special char. I activated the debug in functions-i18n.php but can't see obviosly errors. I reinstalled german locales on the debian ... no effects, no ideas left.
  • hm, when writing the special chars with phpmyadmin into zp_zenpage_news.content it's display correct. maybe this can be a different problem, toggle editor shows options ('content_en_us')
  • The symptom of the text being truncted at the special character is an indication that the character set being supplied the database is not what it is proported to be. For instance, if you save an ANSI ö into a UTF-8 database it will be an invalid character and truncate the string.
  • Great it works! I changed the zenphoto charset from UTF-8 to western europe(ISO) and now no text is truncated nor the labels in the backend displays wrong character. I don't have to understand it :-) many thanks!
  • So, therefore, your database is expecting western european(ISO) in spite of what the the tables indicate.
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