i've spend a lot of time to figure out how i can show my videos using flowplayer3.
either i had image only either i had sound only or just nothing
here is a litle script to do the work and put a correct video on the gallery.
you'll need to have mplayer (wich contain mencoder), gpac and faac.
then simply execute the script using original file as argument.
script will create a file_final.mp4 ready to be read by flowplayer
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#extract video (2 pass)
echo "extracting video..."
echo "pass #1..."
mencoder $1 -of rawvideo -nosound -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=1:frameref=1:bitrate=900:bframes=1:pass=1 -vf scale=1280:720 -o ${1%.*}.264 > ${1%.*}.log 2>${1%.*}.err
echo "pass #2..."
mencoder $1 -of rawvideo -nosound -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=6:frameref=5:bitrate=900:me=umh:partitions=all:bframes=1:me_range=16:cabac:weightb:deblock:pass=2 -vf scale=1280:720 -o ${1%.*}.264 >> ${1%.*}.log 2>>${1%.*}.err
#extract audio
echo "extracting audio..."
mplayer $1 -vc dummy -ao pcm:fast:file=${1%.*}.wav >> ${1%.*}.log 2>>${1%.*}.err
echo "compressing audio..."
faac -o ${1%.*}.m4a ${1%.*}.wav >> ${1%.*}.log 2>>${1%.*}.err
#merge audio and video to create final file
echo "merging audio and video..."
MP4Box -add ${1%.*}.264 -add ${1%.*}.m4a -fps 23.976 ${1%.*}_final.mp4 >> ${1%.*}.log 2>>${1%.*}.err
echo "removing temporary files"
rm divx2pass.log ${1%.*}.264 ${1%.*}.wav ${1%.m4a}
echo "finish"