Bilingual gallery


I'm in need of creating a gallery in two different languages. It seems, that the only way to go is to have two separate installations of ZP, is this correct? I mean, two different folders for the two languages? That would be ok. What about the db? I assume, every ZP install has to have separate "$conf['mysql_prefix']" as well, right?

I know this was discussed here already but it was one year ago, I'm wondering if it still applies:

Thanks in advance....


  • Zenphoto is multi-lingual. There are several aspects of this.

    First there is the Zenphoto standard themes, functions, and admin pages. For these you need translation files. We have some volunteers who have been providing same, so you can look at the locales folder to see what language translations have been made. If what you want is not here, someone (you?) will have to do the translations. There is a tutorial and forum for translations should you need to go this route.

    Second, custom themes may be made translatable, but of course, no such translations will have been provided with the Zenphoto distribution. See the tutorial/translator's group if you need custom theme translations.

    Third, there is individual text strings that are part of your image and album data. For these you will need to enable the `multi-lingual` option. You will then have a place for each Database field for each language you have installed. Of course, you have to provide the translations.

    Your users can view the translated pages two ways. By far the prefered is for them to have properly configured browsers which declare their prefered language. Zenphoto will select that language so long as it is one that has translations provided.

    If this is not working, you can enable and use the `dynamic-locale` plugin. This will give your viewers a drop-down language selector.
  • Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for! Even that "dynamic-locale"!

    One more questions:
    In admin pages, is there a way to disable some languages? And to add some others? I just enabled the "multi-lingual" option and there are several languages, I would like to have just two. (I'm talking about "individual text strings that are part of your image and album data")

    Thank you very much once more, this is just great!
  • You can disable languages buy removing them from the installation. Just delete their folders from the `locales` folder. If you leave all the locale folders but only provide Database translations for two languages, languages you have not translated will default to one of the translations you did provide. (Off the top of my head I do not remember how it decides.)

    You cannot add extra languages without adding a language folder set to the `locales` folder. Please look at for languages we have had in the past. Perhaps the one you want is there and just needs updating.
  • Perfect!

    And just for the record: if you get an error that your server doesn't support your locale, like this:
    point 3.
    Pick a supported language you don't plan to use, rename you locale folder to its code and then you might also want to edit "zp-core/functions-i18n.php" so it pretends to be named like the language you need.
    This is just a quick hack, it was faster that to update the server....
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