I'm working on the little plugin I've posted a few days ago, because I realized that I hard-coded the link to the gallery ...
So I tried to use the getGalleryIndexURL() function to retrieve the address of the gallery ... and it doesn't work :S It returns an empty string.
I there anything special to use template functions in plugins ? Any idea on what can make this function returns nothing ?
PS: I use the plugin in image.php, and in this image.php, I already use the getGalleryIndexURL() function without any problem. I just have a problem when using it inside a function of my plugin :S
But it still doesn't work ...
Oh, after checking more carefully, I noticed that it does return something : '/'
I could use dirname(__FILE__).'/../../' as a last resort, but I would really like to be able to generate a nice link
I tried to access WEBPATH but it's empty when used from my plugin's function ...
Any idea ?