mark new galleries?

Is there a way to mark newly made galleries/the latest galleries and pictures as new ie with the text "new" above/below the new thumbs?

any help would be greatly appreciated


  • As of right now, it's not implemented. If you look at classess.php you'll see that the Album class has getDateTime() and setDateTime() functions, but it's just not implemented as of yet.

    Normally, you would these functions to do something like that.
  • roraz Member
    right thanks
  • This topic is quite old but that's exactly what I want to do.
    Is it possible in the current version and if yes, how?
  • There is now a plugin you can download from the WEB site that does this. I think it is called flag_thumbs or something like that.
  • Thank you! It's not working for me though.
    I've just upgraded to 1.2.9 so it should be compatible, right?
    I can see it in the plugin list but I cannot configure it cause there's nothing under Options > plugin
  • Is the plugin enabled?
  • Yes it is.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, the plugin of that name included in 1.2.9 does not do what you want. It only marks thumbs for protected albums.

    You need to disable this plugin and download the one of the same name from our website:
  • That's the one I enabled.

    I also tried flag_thumbnail_as_new however and for what is worth this other one appeared in the list. It didn't mark the new pics but at least I could configure it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Depending of the theme used it might need css changes. You should not enable both plugins at a time of course. It did work with the standard themes when we last tested it.
  • D'oh! You were right, it was a theme thing, I switched to the default one and and flag_thumb_as_new is working at least.

    flag_thumbnail on the other hand is still missing from the plugin options tab.
    I've just upgraded to the last nightly build and nothing changed.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    flag_thumbnail is not in the nightly/svn anymore and will not be an included plugin in the next release. The plugin you can download needs to be in the root plugins folder.
  • Ok let me see if I got this right: flag_thumbnail_as_new has been replaced by flag_thumbnail. flag_thumbnail won't be included in any official release after 1.2.9 but I can still download from the site and use it if I want.
    In order to make it work I need to put it /zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions and not zenphoto/plugins
    Is everything correct?
  • Another thing, I figured out what the problem was. I have custom sized thumbs so instead of `<?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>` it's `<?php printCustomSizedImage(getAnnotatedImageTitle(), null, null, 100); ?>` and the plugin can't handle it.
  • The functionality of flag_thumbnail_as_new has been incorporated into the flag_thumbnail plugin that is now on the site. Both would be placed in the user plugins folder if you wish to use them. Neither are "officially supported" plugins. However, they do work and we see no issues with them working on up coming releases.

    However, whether they will work with a particular theme will be dependent on how the theme is implemented. For instance, custom sized images must be identified as thumbnails if you wish to have them treated as thumbnails. There is a parameter for this. Please see the function definitions. (Note, there are functions for custom thumbs as well.)
  • Did you clean out all the old zenphoto files before upgrading and adding that plugin to the user plugin folder? There was a "standard" plugin of that name in the 1.2.9 release. The one that came with 1.2.9 cannot be placed in the user plugin folder (and does not have the flag new thumbs functionality) The one on the Website MUST be placed in the user plugin folder, but will be in conflict if the old one is still present.
  • For instance, custom sized images must be identified as thumbnails if you wish to have them treated as thumbnails. There is a parameter for this. Please see the function definitions. (Note, there are functions for custom thumbs as well.)

    Ok how would I do that? And what is the exact function? Because I remember reading these topics a while ago and printCustomSizedImage was the only thing doing the trick. If there's a printCustomSizedThumb function now, sadly I can't find it.

    Basically I want all my thumbs to be uncropped and have the same height (110px). Width shouldn't matter cause it will just scale accordingly to height and depending on the orientation of the photo. (Like this

    I looked at the entire function list, and printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace is the only function related to thumbs that could somehow substitute printCustomSizedImage for me, however I've just discovered that flag_thumbnail doesn't support printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace either.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The max space functions are the right ones for uncropped images within a specific w x h size.

    You can also use the standard functions and uncheck the crop option on the backend. Then there is the longest side or else used. See the options for details.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Is it possible that you did not install it correctly? After downloading and unzipping do not drop the folder but the folder content into the "plugins" folder. So there are two files, a php one and a folder.

    Also note the "date to flag" as well as the "range" important. Even if you uploaded images a minute ago their internal date might be older if the actual files are. So they are not "new".

    It works as expected with the zenpage theme in the current nightly.
  • Ok solved. Thank you both! It was indeed the internal date of the file that was causing problems. I've changed it and it's working now. :)
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