Hullo! My gallery's customized theme sends the user straight to the image.php of the first image of the first album. On the image.php, I've included the printAlbumMenu plugin, but each of the album links go to their respective album.php. What would be the best way to link to each of the albums' respective first images? I've read the forum thread on skipping album.php to image.php from the index page, but I'm unsure of how to go about it with this particular plugin. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
$link = "name))."' title='".html_encode($topalbum->getTitle())."'>".html_encode($topalbum->getTitle())."".$count;
$link = "getTitle())."'>".html_encode($topalbum->getTitle())."".$count;
Thank you for the fast response, by the way! These forums are pretty fantastic.