Albums Displaying Weirdly on Gallery Page

The titles of my ablums and locations of thumbnails are displaying strangely (not lining up) on the gallery page.

You can see what I mean here:

I assume an edit to the theme's index.php file will be needed but what exactly would I need to do?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try the nightly build. This is a bug in the theme's css that recently has been fixed.
  • Thank you. I do believed it's solved the problem.
  • I think their may be another bug with the default, sterile dark, theme - when choosing the number images to display per page there's always either 1, 3, or 4 to many. For example I've chosen to show 15 photos per page and it's showing 18. If I choose 5 it shows six. If I choose 20 it shows 24. What can I change to fix that?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, that is not a bug. Please read this:

    You can just remove that function from the theme files if you don't need it.
  • OK. Sorry - but where might I find the correct file to remove the function?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Generally index.php, album.php and search.php.
  • I've looked in all three of those files, and also the css file for the theme and style I'm using, and can't find anything that deals with the function you mentioned. I'm looking for a bit of code that looks something like this right

    "int normalizeColumns( int $albumColumns, int $imageColumns )"

    And then just delete that bit of code?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That function is on top of the files mentioned in the default theme you are using. Line 1 of that theme's album.php has `$firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');?>`...
  • Alright - thanks for pointing that out. I thought deleting that one sentence might be the answer but...I got a parse error or something and had to paste it back in. How do I turn it off?
  • OK - I removed the (,2, ,6,) from this line: $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6') and the right amount of thumbnails showed. But on my website, when I'm logged in, I get this line of text at the top now:

    "Notice: Use of undefined constant normalizeColumns - assumed 'normalizeColumns' in /home2/chinamas/public_html/themes/default/album.php on line 1".

    Is there a way to properly turn off the function so I don't get that?
  • This thread helped:

    Thanks for your patience.
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