custom hardcoded album for flash panoramas, how to use zenphoto functions

Hey bottom-left link.

My theme resides in /public_html/zenphoto/themes/pp/
I've added a hardcoded custom album to /public_html/zenphoto/themes/pp/index.php so that I can have a flash panoramas page.
/public_html/zenphoto/themes/pp/index.php links to /public_html/zenphoto/themes/pp/virtual_panoramas.php

When I load it, I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function setThemeDomain() in /home/drslony/public_html/zenphoto/themes/pp/virtual_panoramas.php on line 1

The first 2 lines of my php:
<?php setThemeDomain("pp"); ?>
<?php if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die(); $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6'); include ('theme-functions.php');?>

What do I need to change to be able to use ZenPhoto functions inside this custom album/file?


  • I would like to use the following functions in my custom hardcoded album (virtual_panoramas.php) and in each page that virtual_panoramas.php will link to:
    printHomeLink('', ' > ');

    Would also be awesome if I could have a next/previous button in the page that virtual_panoramas.php will link to, so people co open the next/previous pano without having to click back to virtual_panoramas.php
  • You cannot directly load theme script files. All Zenphoto pages are gated through the root index.php script. But why are you doing this in the first place? Just select your theme as the Zenphoto active theme.
  • My theme IS the Zenphoto active theme. However, Zenphoto does not have a panorama interface for flash and quicktime files, so I use my PP theme's index.php for all the albums but I hard-coded a link to a flash/quicktime panoramas album.

    This is my old panoramas page:

    This is my zenphoto gallery:

    I'm moving all of those virtual panoramas into this new zenphoto hardcoded album:

    So, now that I hope you understand what I'm trying to do, is there any way I can use those zenphoto functions in virtual_panoramas.php ?
  • Well, as I noted, you cannot link directly to a theme script. What you need to do is create a link to (assuming you are using mod_rewrite) www.panapixel.olg/zenphoto/page/virtual_panoramas. This is how you load custom script pages.
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