Thickbox cutting off image in IE?

I just had a client report to me that when using thickbox to view an image full size, the image shows up half cut off in his browser (IE - not sure what version).

This is the specific page he was looking at: Favourites/IMG_2514.JPG.php

It works fine for me in Firefox - the image is scaled to fit within whatever size I have my browser window. I'm wondering if maybe that scaling doesn't work in IE, or at least not in all versions of it, so that if the original image is larger than the browser window it gets cut off?

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there anything that can be done about it?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I am on Mac and don't have IE (without that version it is not really helpful, you should teach that your client..:-). Anyway, Thickbox is not our script so you might want to refer to the developer's site:
    There is also a forum you might want to search for the issue:
  • Thanks - I checked out those forums and found a few possible solutions I can try. It seems like Thickbox is pretty buggy in just about any version of IE, but some people have gotten it to work with modifications.

    Only thing is, the version of Thickbox.js that comes with ZenPhoto appears to be partially encrypted, and says at the top that it's "Modified for use with gettext". So while I could replace it with a fresh copy of Thickbox that's not encrypted, if it has not been modified the way that ZenPhoto thickobx.js has, will that break things?

    Alternatively, is it possible to get a copy of the version used in ZenPhoto without the encryption, so that I can try some of the edits to function tb_position() that were suggested in the Thickbox forums?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The file is actually not really encrypted but compressed ("pack"ed to be specific). I currently do not know but I am sure there are tools out there to do that as there are for compressing

    It should not break things but without the gettext() support it will not be able to show titles in different languages.

    I am not that familiar with the code (the mod was a user contribution). Are you sure that this issue is not solvabale by CSS?
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