paged_thumbs_nav pagedthumbsnav-nextdisabled

Hey all,
I'm not sure if this is considered a bug...
(Zenphoto 1.2.6 RC1, paged_thumbs_nav Version using Zenpage and it's default but now modified theme.)

Using paged_thumbs_nav, if you have the "next thumbs"/ "previous thumbs"-links enabled and make the disabled links (at the beginning/end of the gallery) visible you get to see double arrows («/»).

Now in the source on line 246 it says
`echo "
But as it is the last one it should be `".$next"`, at least so I think and it also results in the right arrows (»).

An other thing I'm not sure about is the last bigger-than symbol (>) in the line above. It also exists at the end of the "pagedtumbsnav-prevdisabled" line (line 179).
In both cases this symbol shows up later on the page.
Also in both cases it can be safely deleted if you leave the quotation marks (") but this way you end up with two quotation marks next to each other, I don't know if this might become an issue elsewhere...
Anyway my line 246 now reads:
`echo "
and it all seems to work fine.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, you indeed found two typos here. BTW, line 246 corrected would be
    `echo "
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