I have a Dreamhost account, and installed Zen Photo a couple of months ago. Everything went beautifully -- I was able to create a couple of albums and upload photos to them.
Now, when I visit my gallery (
http://photos.schnapp.org), I'm presented with the existing albums, but I can find NO way to create new albums or upload photos to existing ones.
Yes, I did visit
http://www.zenphoto.org/category/User-Guide/ to try to figure out what I'm missing. I can't really find anything there about how to USE ZenPhoto.
What the heck am I missing? Did I miss something obvious? Did Dreamhost break something? (I've tried using Firefox 3.5 and IE8.)
I feel like a real dummy, but I know I'm not!
Try going to your login screen: http://photos.schnapp.org/zp-core/admin.php
But why the heck isn't there a link to the login page? And where is this documented? (And how the heck did I find this in the FIRST place, because I MUST have done it when I uploaded the first couple of albums!)
Dang it. Now I found my notes with a link to the admin page and my username/password.
Thank you VERY much, Justin!
By the way, the link I've got (and which also works) is http://photos.schnapp.org/admin -- which unsurprisingly forwards to the link you suggested.