Add website URL on each gallery


I m using the last version of zenphoto and I want to add the website URL of
each gallery - can you help me



  • I'm not sure you explained what it is you'd like to do clearly enough. Can you maybe be a little more detailed?
  • Sory my english is not very good ;)

    Eacg photo gallery on my website is an example from other website (photograph, model...). I want add with each gallery (for example on the top) the URL of the other website (and the ban ? )
    When visitor look a gallery - he can clic on the URL to visite the original website...

    THX !
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can add links and such in the description field of each album or image. Where this appears (above, below, wherever) on your theme page is a matter of how your theme is setup.

    BTW. please note that "gallery" is the Zenphoto term for the whole installation. A collection of images is called "album". Just to avoid further confusion. Recommended read:
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