I use ZP as plug-in to display images on my own site (
I need to display all items (albums even imgs) from one specific "ALBUM". I used function zp_load_album to access this "ALBUM".
Script displays images only if "ALBUM" has NOT subalbums. If it has, albums are displayed but images NOT. Could u help me please ?
Thx ...
define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');
define('WEBPATH', 'zenphoto');
require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");
$firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');
.... my page ....
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
" title="">
<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAnnotatedAlbumTitle()); ?>
<?php printAlbumDate(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>
" title="">
<?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?><?php endwhile; ?>
Are you getting CGI errors? If so what are they?
- No errors, just no images displayed (blank html code). If I delete subalbum, images are dispayed >> either albums or images ;-)
But I think I have solved just now, juhuu
Line `zp_load_album('gallery/Greece');` must be BEFORE `$firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');` and it seems to be working right.
In any case thx a lot for advices and ideas.