Javascript Image Rollovers for Thumbnails?

Is it possible to have javascript image rollovers for my thumbnail pages? I want the thumbnails to be dimmed out until rolled over/clicked.

Kind of the opposite effect of this:
Using this method:


  • this person is using css for the opacity and is using javascript

    this person is using a div class with normal formatting. then is using javascript onmouseover/out calls to change the div class.. here is what they used
    in the div
    onmouseover="this.className='transON'" onmouseout="this.className='transOFF'

    then is using this in the css document
    div.transON {opacity:.70;filter: alpha(opacity=70); -moz-opacity: 0.7;}
  • kevito Member
    I have no idea how to write javascript. I'll dig through this sourcecode and figure it out. What file in zenphoto would I place or link to this javascript/css?
  • You can also do this in pure CSS, an example of it is found here:

    I have implemented it here (in the image.php):

  • kevito Member
    thankyou! just what I was looking for.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Thinkdreams, you should release that mod of the stopdesign theme! It's very slick!
  • Well, I wasn't too sure that was acceptable to package a theme, considering most of it has been put together from various sources here, and other internet research. What is the proper way to do this, and ensure that the people who did the original code get credit?
  • trisweb Administrator
    The licenses on most all of the themes (even the stopdesign theme from Doug Bowman) are very open. Make sure you look at what their requirements are for derivative works and credits, and just make a CREDITS file, or a link to a new page, credits.php. (to do that in 1.0.3, just make a new credits.php file in the theme directory that looks like the rest of your theme but without the image code, and use "?p=credits" to link to it from the other theme files. I prefer this method to manually listing out all the contributors on every page, which is pretty distracting from the theme itself.
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