Language chanche manual

I've a site with two language (spanish and english).
There are diferents apartats and one of them is the gallery.
In the index page there is a select language option.
I would like that if someone press the spanish languaje the gallery show all in spanish.
I don't want the select language scroll in the gallery page (dynamic-locale).

I want that if someone go to the english version he should watch all my content in english but i dont know how to do to show english version of the gallery because alwais show to me the principal language (spanish)

I have multilanguage, so in the admin panel i can writte in two languages.
the problem is how two get the language that the people select in my index.html page


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the backend there is a selector for the language. Set that to "Http accept language". Then each visitor will get automatically the language that is set in his browser as the preferred language.

    Note this might lead to confused visitors if they did not set up their browsers correctly (for example it is set to English but the user actually wants Spanish). Therefore you should additionally provide the language selector.
  • pepu Member
    yes thanks. I know that.
    But I would like
    For example I have one page index.html and there is a button "wellcome" and other "hola". Then if someone press in "wellcome" he see the gallery in english and there is not language selector for the visitor.
    And if he press in "hola" button he see the gallery in spanish.

    I dont want that the prefered language of the browser manage and i don't want a selector in the gallery. I want that the people select the language before.

    Is it possible?
    I dont know if something like....

    button "hola" go to ... zenphoto/index.php?lan=es_ES
    button "hello" go to ... zenphoto/index.php?lan=en_EN
    is that possible?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, Zenphoto sets the language via sessions/cookies. You will have to look at the dynamic locale plugin to see how the form looks for language selection and modify it to your needs. You will have some other work to do if you want to use it on a page outside Zenphoto.
  • pepu Member
    perhaps other solution could be to make two instalation and the two instalations with the same album folder ?
  • You can do that. There is a line in the zp-config.php file that lets you specialy set the folder where albums are located. Be aware, though, that if this folder does not exist on a path that a WEB browser can access, some things (like java flash scripts) will not be able to access the images.
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