I just installed Zenphoto incl. Zenpage and got this fault: It is impossible for me to create or to edit text in the "Pages-" and News-section". I even don't see any space where I can write the text. This space appears, when I go to Options -> PlugIn -> Tiny_mce and change the text-editor configuration "Zenpage default full" or "light" to "Zenphoto default". Now it is possible to write text, but I still have no possibilities to edit it in any way.
Does anybody know what I can do?
Current version is btw.
thanks for your help. As far as I can see, there was no mistake during the install process. Perhaps the update will solve the problem.
I'm still fighting for the possibility to edit text. I already de- and reinstalled ZP (now version but I got the same result. No error messages during installing. Maybe something is wrong with Tiny-MCE? When I deactivated it, I could write, but no editing was possible. When I activated Tiny-MCE, I even lost the space to input text. Are there any other plug-ins necessary?
I have no more ideas and I have not the knowledge to edit any php- or what else file.
Is this helpful: PHP-Version: 5.3.27, MySQLi Version: 5.1.66?
Thanks again for your help.
just for your information: Installed Google Chrome a minute ago and all works fine. Incredible!
Thanks for your help.