Cannot navigate out of Admin Overview Page. Help!

I'm having trouble with the installation. I'm a total noobie and I liked that this gallery was supposedly easy to install, however, this is taken me all day and I'm not having an easy time. HELP??

I performed the set-up and now I can access the overview admin page, but when I click on any of the other tabs: comment, upload, edit, themes, etc... it says:

Not Found
The requested URL /zp-core/admin-comments.php was not found on this server.

and when I click on view gallery in upper right it says: No input file specified.

What do I need to do to get this image gallery running?


  • Can you give us some details? How & where is the software installed? Were there any warnings from the setup program? What version of Zenphoto is it?
  • Thanks sbillard. I'm trying to install ZenPhoto 1.2.5. I uploaded the extracted zen folder into the directory containing all the html files for our website on our server, which allowed me access to the set-up. I had a few warning messages come up:

    1) You should consider disabling magic_quotes_gpc.
    2) Locale functionality is not implemented on your platform
    3) Setting mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 in your php.ini
    4) You should consider porting your data to UTF-8 and changing the collation of the database fields fields to utf8_unicode_ci

    I called my host provider and went through each error. They told me not to worry about any of these because the magic quotes is just a suggestion and the items 2-4 deal with foreign characters I won't need.

    I have attempted to edit the php.ini file, which I have downloaded, changed the mbstring.internal_encoding to utf-8, saved and re-uploaded to our server. It seems the program is not detecting this change.

    When I press go at the end of the setup, I can access my admin page, but nothing else from there. Does this help? Again, sorry, I wish I was more knowledgeable in this area. I appreciate the help.
  • can you browse directly to `/zp-core/admin-comments.php`? That is, type in the URL rather than using the link.
  • Yes, I can navigate to them, but I had to add zenphoto: etc.

    I had tried moving the zp-core directory out of the zenphotos directory and placing it into the same directory as my html files , because the urls for the pages which couldn't be found didn't have the "zenphoto" directory in it. But I couldn't get that to work.

    When I browse directly, I can see the pages, but I can't get the photo upload to work or see any images, thumbnails or the theme screenshots.
  • Something then is not working correctly on your site with relative links. The tabs will all have links like `admin-upload.php` but since you are already browsing in `<yoursite>/zenphoto/zp-core/' that should be prepended to the link. Sorry, but I do not know what would cause that not to happen.
  • Hmmm, I really want to get this image gallery to work! Would it matter that our site is very old- designed in 1999? Perhaps there is something missing in my html which is causing this problem? Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to have to bail on this, I'm really excited about this image gallery.
  • Sorry, I really do not know what is causing these links not to work. Something on the server, I suspect.
  • Okay, well thanks anyway for your time.
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