Password cannot contain an ampersand ('&')?

This is with version 1.2.6 RC2.

When I set up my ZenPhoto administrator, I used a password which contained an ampersand. However, I could not log in. I cleaned out the whole database (removing just the administrator table didn't do it) and cleaned out the zenphoto directory too. I then redid the whole install, this time using an administrator password which had only numbers and letters. I had no problems on logging in. So I set up a third install, this time modifying the "number and letters" password to add in an ampersand. Again, administrator login failed.

I'd like to get other people to corroborate this for me before I submit a bug report.

I have not tested other special characters.

I am unable to enable UTF-8 encoding for my installation, but I don't think that has anything to do with this issue.


  • I've run into the same problem as well.
  • It will happen with any of the HTMLspecialcharacters. Good catch. this will be fixed in the nightly build.
  • You mean I actually found a real live bug, properly identified it, and provided information useful to the developers to fix the issue?


    Thanks for fixing the issue. :-)
  • Not only that, but the bug actually stumped the developers for a while. Everything looked fine "on the screen". Had to actually view the HTML to see what was happening!
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