Show Title on Drag/Sort page admin-albumsort.php

want to see the title on the page when i drag and drop sort.

can't find if the title is stored as a var in getImages function because I can't find the getImages function in any of the functions files. anyone?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you hover a little over the images there will be a tool tip shown with the title and filename.

    `getImages()` is a method of the album class and only returns the filenames. It would have been easy to find via our documentation...
  • thanks. anyone got a way of putting that title into the page instead of the alt attribute
  • ok the function i needed obviously was adminPrintImageThumb however now my issue is i need to make a div containing the image AND title that is draggable instead of just the image, anyon got any ideas?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is not recommended to hack core files as you will have to do this hack with every update again.
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