If I don't define
in my zp-config.php then themes/css etc. don't work. If I do define it, they do.
However, if it is defined, the URLs for my RSS feeds appear like so:
// define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');
// define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');
Uncomment them and fill in the correct paths. Sadly this is needed for some servers to be done manually.
BTW my host is Windows with Apache, PHP & MySQL.
I really want to stick with ZenPhoto/ZenPage but everytime I've upgraded I've had problems and my friend had none at all with W***P****. And I'm a techie and he's not! So anything I can do to help myself, and help you guys make ZenPhoto, a better product then great!
Do you mean that is a kind of WAMP local server install? If so maybe you could try on a "real" server. As you probably know they sometimes behave differently.
Otherwise I do not have any other idea (I am on Mac on MAMP and never had any problems). Maybe sbillard will have later.