Problem with accent in IPTC tag

Being french and working with accents is a true nightmare, believe me ;-)
I'm trying a lot of gallery software these days, and i must say that i'm stunned by ZP.

However i have a problem with accents... In lightroom i have keyword and title that contains characters with accents. When uploading, accented characters disappear.
For example "Chambéry" -> "Chambry" / "Fête -> Fte" / "8ème -> 8me". The copyright field in which i put a "©" is OK.

I've already search in this forum but only found problem on showing accents. My probleme is that there's no more accents ^_^

Any help ?
Thanks !


PS : The title field is limited to 64 characters in ZP, is there any way to be able to have more "space" ?


  • Try and change the charset of ZenPhoto. Adobe is and has always been a screw up when it comes to charsets.

    If you use Lightroom on Mac
    use Western European(Mac) charset in ZenPhoto

    if you use Lightroom under Windows
    use Western European(Windows)

    Use it in the IPTC Encoding under Options/Image and in the bottom.
  • Hi !
    I'm confused, I didn't see this option at first, so I must thank you :-)

    I'm on Mac and modify my charset to "Western European(Mac)". It doesn't work, still no accents :-(

    Before having a Mac i had a PC (under win xp). So i try to export pics with Lightroom under Windows, and then upload on ZenPhoto, but first set the charset to "Western European(Windows)".
    It Works !!!

    I'll continue searching & keep you updated
  • You might have to refresh the metadata in your database before it reads it. Do that in the first tab of administration.

    I had identical bugs some time ago.

    It just strikes me as I was planning to have a multi user gallery that I can only have 1 charset selected. Sites like Flickr and Photoshelter do not run into such problems and support any charset the user uploads.
  • Do you mean character set or language? If you mean the latter, Zenphoto will support any language you supply. If you mean the former, then it is mostly correct. Zenphoto operates internally in only one character set (preferably UTF-8). It will convert to that characterset when needed and directed.

    For instance, file systems are normally in ISO 8859 but Zenphoto will convert them to the internal character set. If your file system happens to not be ISO 8859 you will have to change the Zenphoto define to tell the correct encoding.

    EXIOF/IPTC data is more problematical. Most software does not properly identify the character set it has used to store the data. Zenphoto will convert it, though. It assumes ISO 8859 unless the data is identified as UTF-8. If the data is not ISO 8859 you will have to configure Zenphoto to tell it what the data is. (Note, we do presume that all your unidentified EXIF/IPTC data is the same character set. What other choice do we have?)

    PHP also has an internal character set. Setup will notify you if that is not set for proper handling.

    There is also the character set of you database fields. These will be set to UTF-8 in a new installation. But if you have an older one, they may not be set to the proper value for the data you have stored there. Your only choice then is to manually convert the data.

    In short, Zenphoto works with the information supplied it. If the information is wrong you should not be suprised that Zenphoto gets it wrong.
  • I will write my explanation a little bit better after the weekend I have to run out to take Photographs all weekend.

    I think it is a very important talk and issues, Everything is working like a charm for me, but if someone that uses Lightroom from a PC would use my setup then things will not work.

    Something in the way of user specific or folder specific charset setups could maybe be the way to go for multi user setups. If things like that would be do-able without making to much of a hassle out of it.

    again I will write more thought on this after the weekend I really need to rush out now.
  • and Yes I am talking about Charset not language...
  • I'm back, and it now works like a charm with my files coming from Lightroom@Mac.

    The story :

    I didn't see that I can change the charset in the option so, it wasn't a surprise it didn't work ! Following olihar advice, i set IPTC encoding to Western European(Mac).
    Still doesn't work :-(
    I ran a rapid test and export some pics with Lightroom under Windows XP. Set back charset to Western European(Windows). It works, no problem.
    It appears that Lightroom under Mac acts strangely wuth charsets...

    My solution was to modify lib-utf8.php. I commented from line 52 to 55. Now, the function convert (line48) use the function iconv and it works great with my jpg from Lightroom@Mac !
  • So, what did you actually modify? The lib-utf8.php that I have has the characterset array at those lines. This plus your comment that the title is limited to 64 characters would make me believe you are running an old version of Zenphoto.
  • You're totally right, that was my fault. I was running a 1.2.5.
    After installing 1.2.6 RC1, no more problem with accents and jpg from Lightroom under Mac (after setting IPTC encoding to Western European(Mac) in the options) !

    Concerning the 64 characters limitation in the title, it's still an issue for me. The title of my pic (set in Lightroom) in Zenphoto becomes " Exposition Italiàlire, au festival du premier roman à Chambéry ( " instead of " Exposition Italiàlire, au festival du premier roman à Chambéry (Savoie). Conception et réalisation : Daniela Faraill en collaboration avec la Société Dante Alighieri de Chambéry ".
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I would say the "concept at realisation (...)" part would be more fitting in the image description actually.
  • @acrylian : I agree with you. I wasn't very familiar with IPTC when I did this.

    WOOOW !
    Have a look at that !!! I just found where the problem is.

    Lightroom cut the title to 64 characters when exporting to jpg !

    I'm verry happy to work with Zenphoto :-) I've a lot more to discover and i'm already very impressed !
    Thank you very much to all of you who make this incredible gallery software !
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