MySQL not connected

Can you just confirm if this is a problem with my host. I've had a few of these now and i'm assuming in simple terms it means that its lost the connection to the database?


` {26502:Tue, 09 Apr 2013 14:05:49 GMT}

USER ERROR: MySQL Error: ( INSERT INTO ``[prefix]albums` (`folder`, `show`, `mtime`, `title`, `date`) VALUES ('9[prefix]195[prefix]55[prefix]R16', '1', '1365356297', '9[prefix]195[prefix]55[prefix]R16', '2013-04-07 17:38:17') ) failed. MySQL returned the error MySQL not connected in /mounted-storage/home34b/sub001/sc27915-YPZT/ on line 69

trigger_error called from query (functions-db-MySQL.php [69])
from PersistentObject->save (classes.php [339])
from PersistentObject->load (classes.php [296])
from PersistentObject->PersistentObject (classes.php [87])
from Album->__construct (class-album.php [658])
from Gallery->sortAlbumArray (class-gallery.php [775])
from Gallery->getAlbums (class-gallery.php [180])
from Album->getGalleryPage (class-album.php [1220])
from getGalleryIndexURL (template-functions.php [431])
from include (image.php [76])
from index.php [108]


  • Your presumption is correct. Zenphoto attempted to do the query listed but did not get back a response from the database. SQL must have initially been connected, though, or Zenphoto could not have even started up, so maybe the query is causing SQL to crash.
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