zpmasonry::images not displaying in searches

Wondering if someone could help me with an error I'm getting. I just upgraded to the current release ( from ( and I'm getting an error when I click on images generated from searches:

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property SearchEngine::$dynalbumname in /mysite/themes/zpmasonry/functions.php on line 104

line 104 from the functions.php files is:
$dynamic_album = $_zp_current_search->dynalbumname;

Any way to resolve this? Thanks!


  • I should also mention that PHP (5.3.23) and mySQL (5.5.30-cll) were just updated yesterday on my server, if that has something to do with it as I suspect it might. Thank you for your help.
  • Probably you have an out of date version of the theme. (BTW, when you are running a third party theme it is a good idea to place its name in the topic so its author can notice easier.)
  • gjr Member
    This was fixed in the theme awhile ago. You need to upgrade the theme as well.
  • thank you. I updated the theme and can view images from searches. Now I'm having a different error message show up when I click on an image from a dynamic album:

    Fatal error: Invalid album instantiation: albums (7) does not exist. in mysite/public_html/photography/zp-core/class-album.php on line 653

    I noticed that if I change themes the problem goes away so it must be a zpMasonry issue. Any advice with this one?
  • gjr Member
    Yes I was able to reproduce that error, thank you. I must admit I usually do not test much with dynamic albums. I have provided an update to prevent the error in this theme as well as a few of my others:

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The reason is probably that dynamic albums are a bit differently structured than normal ones. The object of a dynamic album returns for example a bit other data if you use `$obj->getImages()` for example. Of course because the images are not "really" in the dynamic album so we need to know the "real" album.
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