The full image link is actually correct. It is the direct link to the image within the albums folder. I do not use Cooliris myself and it has not been tested with an external albums folder at all.
Btw, "&p=full-image"" at the end means you have an protected image that is opened on a page. Cooliris and a lot of other sripts need the full iamge directly which is what this url actually points to.
Anyway, if you need it differently feel free to make a customized feed for your own needs.
i am using 1.2.6 RC2
FYI, rss.php product full image link ""
but i am using external album so the full image link should be ""
( with mod_rewrite suffix .html)
Btw, "&p=full-image"" at the end means you have an protected image that is opened on a page. Cooliris and a lot of other sripts need the full iamge directly which is what this url actually points to.
Anyway, if you need it differently feel free to make a customized feed for your own needs.