I know the use of iframes is generally frowned upon, but that's what my buddy wants for his portfolio site, and I couldn't convince him otherwise.
So, first, is it possible with zenphoto? And are there any examples or guidance you can give me as to how to set this up? Instead of the multi-level/click setup of zenphoto that comes stock, I want to set the gallery up with thumbnails to the right of the image in a vertically scrollable iframe. Upon clicking a thumbnail the image will load to the left of it... kind of like this (flipped):
Theoretically, that's how you'd do it, but since i'm not to big on Javascript, I'm not too sure about it.
here's another example of a site I'm referencing:
Anyway, it should be easy. You just have to change the layout of album.php, to add an iframe, and change what the image links do.