Using Iframes to load images?

I know the use of iframes is generally frowned upon, but that's what my buddy wants for his portfolio site, and I couldn't convince him otherwise.

So, first, is it possible with zenphoto? And are there any examples or guidance you can give me as to how to set this up? Instead of the multi-level/click setup of zenphoto that comes stock, I want to set the gallery up with thumbnails to the right of the image in a vertically scrollable iframe. Upon clicking a thumbnail the image will load to the left of it... kind of like this (flipped):



  • kevito Member
    bump. anyone? iframes?
  • Hmm... I dunno. That's kinda difficult since I frames loads a completely different file. You'd have to probably include some custom javascript using the DOM to access that iframe and change it's location value. Once that's done, then your javascript code should refresh that iframe.

    Theoretically, that's how you'd do it, but since i'm not to big on Javascript, I'm not too sure about it.
  • kevito Member
    thanks for posting, I'm not experienced with javascript... but I'll have a look around and if I figure it out will post back here.
  • kevito Member
    no dice. I'm resorting to building a static gallery from scratch for this site. I spent a couple days looking around for other galleries that have iframe support built in, or ways to modify them, and came up with nothing. Still listening if anybody here has any advice. The custom javascript/DOM suggestion is beyond my capabilities.

    here's another example of a site I'm referencing:
  • trisweb Administrator
    GameDudeX has got it -- basically, you should be able to do this as easily in Zenphoto as you would with static HTML -- it's all about what clicking the thumbnails does in your case. I believe it's as simple as naming the iframe something, and using `link` instead of the link to the image page. Look it up, you might find more.

    Anyway, it should be easy. You just have to change the layout of album.php, to add an iframe, and change what the image links do.
  • kevito Member
    awesome! I'm on to something here. No javascript either, thumbnails are in a mock-frame made with just css and there is still one iframe where the image.php loads. I'll post a link when I get the site finished up.
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