Twitter Integration

I want to request a feature so that as soon as a image is posted, its link and description/title can be posted to twitter with its url shortened with

Hope someone works on this.


  • This should not be too hard to accomplish using the new object filters. I see that there is a PHP api for twitter. However, I do not use twitter and I doubt that acrylin does either, so we would not be making an official plugin for this.

    Maybe some other user will decide to give it a try.
  • doku Member can post your zenphoto feed to twitter.
  • Twitterfeed does not work well with Zenphotopress since ZP messes up dates in rss feeds somehow and Twitterfeed either misses some photos completely or posts some photos twice or even thrice. Anybody working on this or interested to work on this? Please.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto's rss feeds are valid as by last tests done. So if you think you found a bug with them, please report with some details. Otherwise that is useless to us. Thanks.

    I don't know what Zenphotopress has to do with rss feeds actually but there is a twitter plugin for Zenphoto available.
  • sorry...I meant Zenphoto. messes up the dates..atleast Twitterfeed reports that.

    I will check the twitter plugin for Zenphoto..any link?
  • Ok..found the twitter plugin.
  • if you are talking of this..then this is not what I wanted. It does the reverse of what I want. It feeds twitter updates to ZenGallery whereas I want gallery updates to twitter.
  • Yeah, it does it reverse of what you want. I could take a look at doing it the other way. I currently use twitterfeed myself as well as suggested up above. Works on my site, haven't noticed any borked dates. I'll take a look though to see if I catch anything. Also I'll take a look at adding twitter updates. Would be a bit more intensive, and have to be more of a "check here to update twitter of this post" type of thing.

    Are you hoping to have it update twitter each time you upload a photo etc navjo?
  • Well, I think now I don't need any plugin. Google answered my prayers with Twitter post to Feedburner. Thanks for the concern.

    And yes if you want to expand the plugin, yes it should update twitter each time when a photo is published (not uploaded). You can include options for hashtags, custom text in before or after the tweet and url shortening.

    And this question is for Zenphoto developers, why does ZP publishes date in description field of feed? It should use date field of rss for that.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto's RSS feed do use the <pubDate> field for the date, too. The date you see on the description is the file mtime date (both can differ).
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