Google map strange disappearance

Hi gang

I noticed something strange after the weekend

My google map tiles dont't show, the Google Logo is there.

There have been no changes for some time on my page other then I uploaded few photographs.

see here it does not work in any of the albums.

I really wonder what could be the problem.


  • I think maybe Google has broken something. I have seen this myself on my site. There is a javascript error being thrown from one of the javascript files from the Google server. I actually installed the base 1.2.5 release and it had the problem as well, so I am pretty sure it is not something we have done with Zenphoto.

    I've posted on the Googlemaps api site but not yet got a response.
  • Fantastic, Thanks Stephen
  • Awesome! Thanks for this fix. I had just enabled Google Maps on my setup and thought I had screwed something up.

    Also, as a note for others who want to upload the updated file, it goes into the following directory:
    /"your Zenphoto base directory"/zp-core/plugins/google_maps

    At least, that's where I dropped it and everything is working great for me.

  • Full fix is now available

    The plugin has been fully converted to the Google Maps API version 2. (The original phoogle.php script seemed a mixture of API-1 and API-2.)
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