Anybody using binary theme with thickbox,lightbox, etc?


I'm currently testing a photo gallery using zen-photo with the binary theme. Link - (Click on photos)
I have tried several different attempts following some of the posts on here to get some sort of lightbox, slimbox or thickbox, etc to work with no luck whatsoever.
What I want to do is leave everything like it is. But instead of having the image.php come up from the album page when you click on a thumbnail i want the resized image to come up in a lightbox popup window outside of the iframe that the album page is in. I would like to include the image description in the lightbox if possible but just getting it to open up the image at this point would be nice. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really new to php, i have figured a few things out but get lost in most of it.


  • First of all you should concentrate on one method.
    Lightbox is commonly used, so you should have a look at the tutorial on the lightbox website.
    Then you have to edit your album page, assuming you want to open the lightbox window from the album page.
    There are some changes in the header necessary as well as the call of the image itself.
    You will find a good explanation in slyt's thread. Read the thread carefully and try to understand and follow each step.
    Have fun fiddling with the code ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As mentioned several times on the forum Zenphoto's default JS library is jQuery. So any script based on another libary like the original lightbox may cause conflicts. Keep that in mind when testing.
  • I am also looking for a way to most effectively incorporate Lightbox or similar effect package into a Zenphoto theme, and know it's been done effectively. However, with all due respect to stef404's attempt to help, the forum thread they've linked to is an old discussion that was never resolved to a reported working fix, and the links to that user's website gallery show no such box effect, so apparently they never found an answer they could use. I have also read through the code hints given and find no complete solution there. Since some of these relevant threads are over three years old, maybe this could be opened as an updated discussion. If there *is* a thread or post somewhere here that gives a thorough and tested-to-success solution, please provide a link.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, the way is still the same and actually described on the lightbox (or whatever ***box) script site itself. Look at the theming tutorial and the zenpage-default theme which uses Thickbox for the full image on image.php.
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