I am doing a theme with integrated slideshow, and I wanted to add a rule so that
http://site.com/albumName/Slideshow redirects to the slideshow.
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/slideshow/?$ index.php?album=$1&view=slideshow [R]
It works but only when I use the R parameter, but then I lose my nice URL ...
With any other parameter zenphoto gives me an error, apparently it looks for a photo named slideshow in the album, even though it should not.
I tested the rules on a phpinfo instead of zp's index.php, and they worked perfectly.
I don't know what's going on !
Oh! I know what it is! The code in template-functions.php(:39-52) that re-does the rewrite parse because of a bug in mod_rewrite (we really have to move the whole thing internal, that was just a hack for 1.0.3). You'll have to add another condition for the slideshow as well... change line 47 to this:
`if (isset($zpitems[1]) && $zpitems[1] != 'slideshow')`
You're just replacing 'page' with 'slideshow' there. I just realized the page check is done elsewhere redundantly.
Sorry for the confusion, I forgot that mod_rewrite isn't the only thing controlling the paths anymore (because it's so buggy with non-ASCII encoded characters... blech).
It finally works !
Wow... thanks for the tip ! I spent about 3 hours trying to figure this out the other day with the help of #apache on freenode ...
It feels good that it's finally working