User registration issue

Hi there,

I have just upgraded to 1.2.6 and are trying to get the user registration form to work. I am using the default template, which I see comes with a custom page called register.php. To view anything on the gallery, you must be logged in so I have added a call to printRegistrationForm() on password.php. If (once logged out) I go to the main index page, I receive the following error as expected:

"A password is required to access this page"

With a user login form underneath, as well as a link to register using the call I added. The problem is when I click on the user registration link, whilst it does go to, it just redisplays this same error saying I need a password to access this page!

In the admin panel > options > plugin > register_user, I have set the script to "register".

Is there something I've missed?


  • No, I don't think there is anything you missed. Gallery passwords protect the whole gallery, of which the register user pages is a part.

    I guess we will need to add an option for exceptions to that protection.
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