Uploading with FTP

Hi - I'm trying to upload a flv video that is 11 MB. I uploaded it FTP into the album folder, but nothing shows up in my gallery. Is there something else I have to do after uploading via ftp for it to recognize the new file?


  • You have to have a player configured. Look at the plugins.
  • What do you mean configurd? I have flowplayer 3 checked, is that all I need to do?
  • I had the same problem when trying to upload images via ftp also. I upload to albums/albumname/, correct?
  • I fixed the problem, I had unchecked the video-class plugin after seeing the warning about only having one media player checked at a time, thinking it counted as such.

    Another quick question - Can you specify what image is the thumbnail for flowplayer?
  • On a related note, do any of the players not reduce the quality of the video?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For video thumbnails see the troubleshooting entry on our user guide.

    I don't think the players reduce the quality of a video. Anyway if you have problems with the quality of the player you will have to address that to its developers. We just adapted them as plugins.
  • Ok thanks - I might just be imagining the quality issue then.
  • The video thumbnail is either a default image (multimediaDefault.png) from Zenphoto or your theme or an image of the same name as the video without the video suffix.
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