Image page with multiple prev/next image thumbs


I was trying within image.php to display 10 image thumbs, 5 previous and 5 next images from the same album that the picture you are viewing is part of. I know how the prev/next links work, but how do i achieve that same thing with multiple image thumbs as links?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There are functions to show the previous and next image. But five of each you will have to write your own function using our class object model. See the documentation about that.

    Maybe using the paged-thumbs-nav plugin would be an easier alternative, although it is not exactly what you want.
  • I will give it a try with the paged-thumbs-nav plugin for the time being. I guess i will need some more time if i have to write my own functions ;) Thanks for pointing me out.
  • the way I'm doing it - with only 3 prev/next images - is pretty lazy...

    simply get the prev/next image.. if that is non-null, get the prevprev/nextnext image.. if that is non-null, get the prevprevprev/nextnextnext image.

    less lazy would be to just get all the images in the album, get the current image's index, and get the surrounding images by index directly :>
  • Thanks for your idea, ZeBoxx. I will really need to take my time if i want to compile it out of source ;-)
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