Zenphoto has detected that you're upgrading to a new version.
Systems Check:
1. PHP version 4.4.9
Version 5.2 or greater is strongly recommended.
2. PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled]
You should consider disabling magic_quotes_gpc. For more information See #25 of the Zenphoto troubleshooting guide.
3. PHP mbstring package [Your internal characater set is ISO-8859-1]
Setting mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 in your php.ini file is recommended to insure accented and multi-byte characters function properly.
I just installed 1.2.6 version while I got these warnings. I know they are not big deals but just keep annoying me. Anyway I can get rid of them?
I am pretty sure my server has php version is 5.2.9 why Zenphoto shows it's only 4.4.9?!!
Please help. I am a newbie and ZenPhoto is great!! Thanks in advance.
Your server may have php version 5.2.9 but certainly you are not running it. Zenphoto is reporting back the version of PHP that is running.