Is it possible to display the photo titles in the default theme, similar to the albums display? If not, do any other themes allow you to do this?
I am building a pretty large gallery of .flv videos, each with similar thumbnails so they won't be distinguishable without the titles.
Thanks a bunch
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View image:'); ?> <?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageTitle(); ?>
I'd like to make the title wrap so it doesn't effect the width of the border around the thumbnail. I'd also like to change the formatting of the titles. Also, is it possible to show viewcount here? I'll be working on solving these myself, but I'd REALLY appreciate any nudges in the right direction. Thanks again
It is possible to show the view point, please review the documentation on its functions (search for "hitcounter").
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View image:'); ?> <?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageTitle(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>