Lost all the titles, description, ... by moving albums

Hi !

I moved some albums into a sub-album. By doing this, I lost all the pictures descriptions, titles, .... I tried to undo by moving into the last folder and to restore the database. But nothing works !

I use Zenphoto 1.2.3.

How can I do ??

Thx for your reply


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, first you should upgrade to the current 1.2.6 release to see if it works for you there.
  • Are you sure ? Don't want to do something worse you know...
    But what should I do after upgrading to 1.2.6 ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What do you think why we release updates? As sbillard mentioned on this recent thread about the same issue http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=6019 he can't reproduce it and of course we do not test with v1.2.3...
  • And one more question : what should I do with the albums ? Show I put in the previous folder like before or can I let them where they are now ??

  • Yeah I understand about the release updates :-) But just I edit some files to fit to my desires 5 months ago (just for the appearance). And I don't want to do it again because don't really have time.
    I'm using Zenpage too. Is it a problem or not ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you remove any album from the file system it will be removed as Zenphoto is filesystem based. You have to reenter all descriptions and such again.
  • OK thx. But I didn't remove any album. I've just moved them.
    How can I undo the operation ? When I move an album to another album do the pictures description, titles,... follow or not ?
    How can I read the backup file of the database ? Because I use some accent. And simply with TextEdit on Mac OS X it's impossible...

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no way to undo such an operation. What backup file? The one you can do on the overvivew page? You can use that to restore the database but since Zenphoto is filesystem based it will treat newly discovered albums on the filessystem as new if they are not already in the database.

    Anyway, since we already have thread for this I suggest you join the other thread . No need for two of these. I will therefore close this one now.
This discussion has been closed.