Hi !
I moved some albums into a sub-album. By doing this, I lost all the pictures descriptions, titles, .... I tried to undo by moving into the last folder and to restore the database. But nothing works !
I use Zenphoto 1.2.3.
How can I do ??
Thx for your reply
But what should I do after upgrading to 1.2.6 ?
I'm using Zenpage too. Is it a problem or not ?
How can I undo the operation ? When I move an album to another album do the pictures description, titles,... follow or not ?
How can I read the backup file of the database ? Because I use some accent. And simply with TextEdit on Mac OS X it's impossible...
Anyway, since we already have thread for this I suggest you join the other thread . No need for two of these. I will therefore close this one now.