Thumbnails Not Working Properly

Hi all, I've been perusing past threads, but apparently I need it spelled out for me. Some of my thumbnails will work, some will not. Larger image is not viewable either.

If you h ave any suggestions what is wrong, please let me know, as well as exactly where to edit coding if I need too. I'm pretty html/css savvy, but not php, lol.

- Rachel


  • If you have been perusing past threads you will undoubtably have seen the response that this is almost always caused by having insufficient server memory to process some large photos. Reduce the size of the pictures that do not display.
  • That's the problem, I did already. Some pictures that are 800kb did just fine, but this one picture, just will not work, and I don't know why. It started as 800kb, and now it's around 200kb, and still won't display. I had another one do the same thing. Thanks.

    - Rachel
  • How about you do something for me. Go to the image page of that image and click on the image and tell me what you see.
  • It just opens the next page where the full size image would be. I just get a box with a red X in the corner instead of the picture.
    I'm really not trying to be dumb here, and I appreciate your help!

    - Rachel
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your images are too big for your server to process. I just tried to access one of your full images and it had 3240x4050 px.
    You should have read this on the other threads but again here the link to the troubleshooting entry:
  • Ok, I think I finally get it. It has more to do with the pixel size than with my actual file size. I halved the pixel size of that image and it works fine. Thanks acrylian and sbillard for the help!
  • BTW. when I opened the full sized image I got an error message instead saying in effect that the process was out of memory.
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