I've coded a (very) little plugin to add gravatars in comments. It's really really simple (a few lines of code) but it make theme code a bit more simple / readable, so I figure I might post it here.
Here is the page with explanation / download / example image :
http://blog.pcitron.fr/zenphoto-gravatar/Here is the direct download :
http://blog.pcitron.fr/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/gravatar.0.1.zipPS: at first, I wanted to make it a filter, but unfortunately, I didn't find a way to make it work for already posted comments ... so I just made this function which is simple to use in themes.
I think you should mention that the functions needs to be added to the comment_form of the comment_form plugin.
Will this kind of loops get deprecated, or will it still be supported for a while ? Anyway, I will check this comment_form plugin and the associated function.
Wouldn't it be possible to make the printCommentForm() function hookable / overridable (I mean, provide a way for developpers to add their own filter to modify the printCommentForm() behavior ?)
The loop is still there and of course you can still use it directly on the theme files as you do, too. The actual comment form is a separate file in `plugins/comment_form/comment_form.php` that of course can be customized.