image id as css class

i am trying to make the image id its css class using

`<?php printDefaultSizedImage(null, gettext('image'), getImageID());?>`

unfortunatley a css class cant be number but i dont know how to add text in the code above.

is it possible?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `"image".getImageID()`.You should consider to learn some php basics.
  • thanks. yes i should. one more thing: how can i use php code like `getDefaultHeight` in my css?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `<?php echo getDefaultHeight(); ?>` where you want it. Please really learn some basic things about php
  • i wanted it in css brackets but found out it only works as a direct style="" css format. thanks alot. wont bother you again with this.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can use the example above even in CSS brackets (you mean .class { ), right?). You can do that if you define it within the head of a html page but not in a separate css file.
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