Allow user or user group to view specific albums only

I'm new to zenphotos and just wondering if it's possible to allow a registered user or user group to view specific albums only?

In other words, I want new user, Joe, to view albums A, B, and C, but not D.

A,m I missing something here? Because when I register a new user as viewer only, they can still view all albums in the gallery. I created 6 main albums and added other albums as sub albums, thinking that I could allow a user to view specific main albums, but not having much luck. Any suggestions?


  • Generally speaking, anyone, user or not, will be allowed to view the albums in your gallery. If you wish to prevent that you need to do things like not publish the album or password protect it.
  • Ok, I have each album and sub album password protected but any registered user can view ALL albums, correct?

    Or is there a way to limit certain registered users or groups to specific albums?
  • Unless you have allowed it, a user cannot view protected albums other than his own.
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