I currently have my thumbnails linking to the full sized version of the image in lightbox. Does anyone know how to link it to the resized image that gets generated by ZP? I've tried replacing <?=getFullImageURL();?> with <?=getCustomImageURL(640,null);?> but that doesn't allow me to go from one image to the next in the lightbox window. Clicking on next just gives me a lightbox window with the loading icon.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also note, if you use pagination on the thumbnail page, the lightbox next/prev will only work for the current page.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I read the lightbox instructions and have added the following image tag rel="lightbox[<?=getAlbumTitle();?>]". I do not have pagination on my thumbnail page.
Can you direct me on how I can get my thumbnail to link my thumbnails to the resized cached image that is generated by ZP?
Thanks again.
Actually using the album name with `echo $_zp_current_album->name` might be better.
Another recommendation: Don't use php short tags `<?=`, use `<?php`. This might cause issues, too.
Can you point me in the right direction as to what to replace <?php echo htmlspecialchars(getFullImageURL()); ?> with, to get the resized image that ZP creates to appear?
If you want to try:
Thanks for your help acrylian!